Ready to pay for the ALD Conference?

You have two payment options - pay via credit card using PayPal or pay via check/money order.  (Note: If you want to pay via credit card, but don't have a PayPal account, complete the form below and click "Pay Now."  A PayPal screen will appear; click "Don't Have a PayPal Account?" to pay the registration fee.)

Reminder, the conference registration fee is $100 per attendee.

Paying via PayPal:

To pay your remaining balance using your credit card, click on the "PayNow" button below.  You are required to put the institution's name in the field provided.  If you don't put the institution's name in the field, ALD Headquarters will not be able to match your payment to your registration! If you are paying for a personal item, be sure to include your name as well so it can be properly credited.

Institution Name

Paying via Check/Money Order:

Make checks or money orders payable to Alpha Lambda Delta.  Checks and money orders should be mailed to:

Alpha Lambda Delta
6800 Pittsford-Palmyra Rd, Suite 340
Fairport, NY 14450