All chapters are required to complete an annual report. This contains information needed for including your chapter with the Group Tax Return for the IRS. Failure to submit a report may result in your chapter having to work directly with the IRS to submit the information. Chapter reports are typically submitted by the advisor.

Complete the 2023-24 Annual Report Form.

The Chapter Annual Reports are due June 1, 2024. Please note: if your chapter is submitting an application for Order of the Torch or Maintaining the Flame, you must submit your annual report to be considered. If a firewall prevents you from accessing the report at the above link, please contact

Information required for the 2024 report:

  • Chapter 2023-24 invitation information
    i.e. how you invite eligible students; if you’d like ALD HQ to manage your MHS invitation; and if you’d like to participate in the invitation mailing home project which requires providing ALD HQ home/permanent mailing addresses to send a physical letter invitation home.

  • Local membership dues (if applicable)
    Not including the $30 national dues. This information is needed to submit to the IRS for tax records.

  • Chapter's opening balance as of April 30, 2023
    This information is needed to submit to the IRS for tax records and should be available in your chapter’s 2022-23 annual report.

  • Chapter's closing balance as of April 30, 2024
    This information is needed to submit to the IRS for tax records.

  • Bank information for chapter funds
    i.e. does your chapter maintain its funds with the college/university; a local/state/federal bank or credit union. This information is helpful for ALD HQ to have on record for future advisors.

  • Does your chapter offer local scholarships
    Many chapters who have large numbers and funds in their local account opt to give out minimal scholarships, i.e. a few $500 scholarships. This is a nice perk for students, and optional. Also include local fee waivers as a scholarship. This information helps inform ALD HQ of the overall impact ALD has on student scholarships beyond the national level scholarships available.

  • Chapter Officers
    Information on how and when you transition between student officer positions so ALD HQ can best communicate appropriate opportunities for officers. You should also provide your 2024-25 chapter officers when available.

  • Chapter Information
    Highlight your 2023-24 chapter activities; provide an estimate of the total number of community service hours your chapter completed (for use by ALD HQ to calculate the overall impact of ALD service projects); social media handles so ALD HQ can tag your chapter in posts.

  • Marketing Materials/Publications counts for 2024-25 (will be confirmed before sent, if you need to make changes)
    ALD HQ provides a few different publications free of charge, to encourage chapters to promote ALD on campus. Brochures, study guide bookmarks, and stickers are the main items. Images and details for each item are available on the Media Kit page.

*If you are a new(er) advisor or simply would like to review past annual reports for your chapter to assist in completing the current annual report, please email to request previous chapter annual reports. Complete the report to the best of your ability.

You can save your report and return to complete, if needed. At the bottom of the page, click "Save & Resume Later." A URL will be generated - please save this link. If you lose the link or need additional assistance, please contact