How to Join
To become a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, you must meet the following requirements:
Enrolled full-time at an institution that has an active chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta
Earned a 3.5 grade point average or higher your first semester or first year (chapters determine time frame and may also raise the minimum GPA and/or require top 20%)
If you received a letter or an email with instructions to join online using the ALD Member Portal powered by GreekTrack, it is legitimate! Follow the prompts to accept membership.
Not all chapters use the ALD Member Portal. For those that don’t, follow whatever instructions you received from your campus to accept membership.
If you feel you are eligible and did not receive an invitation, first check the Chapter List to find out if your institution has a chapter. If they do you may contact the local chapter advisor listed. If your institution does not have a chapter and you are interested in helping one get started, contact
Membership Eligibility
If you've received an invitation to Alpha Lambda Delta, that means you've already met the eligibility requirements - congratulations! For more membership specifications, please see the FAQ page.
Troubleshooting Your Online Invitation
Having trouble accepting your invitation in the ALD Member Portal? Here are a few ways to troubleshoot:
Have you tried a different web browser? Sometimes computers can be tricky. Try using a different web browser, such as Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, etc.
Are you accepting the invitation after the date specified in your invitation letter? All invitations expire, contact if you’d like to join but your invitation has already expired for further instructions.
Are you using the email address on file with your institution? Typically this is your institution-specific .edu account, however, not all institutions use institutional email accounts. If your institution does not, it would be the main email account you have on record with your institution.
Have you tried using the main acceptance link? To accept your invitation, go to Register by using the e-mail address on file with your institution.
If you have tried these steps and still cannot accept your invitation, please contact ALD Headquarters.