ALD Headquarters

Contact ALD Headquarters

ALD Headquarters is located in Fairport, New York, a suburb of Rochester. The staff consists of the Executive Director, Director of Communications and Chapter Engagement, Bookkeeper & Member Support, Office Assistant, and undergraduate interns. Throughout the year, we produce all of your membership certificates, distribute lapel pins, and coordinate Alpha Lambda Delta activities. Please contact us with any questions you may have about Alpha Lambda Delta.

Office Hours: Mondays - Fridays 8:30am - 4:30pm (ET)

Phone:      1 (585) 364-0840

By Mail:                                                                           
    Alpha Lambda Delta                                                     
    144 Fairport Village Landing #336
    Fairport, NY 14450 

Meet the ALD HQ Professional Staff

Eileen Merberg
Executive Director

Christine Cone
Director of Operations

Danielle Barboza, MPA
Director of Communications & Chapter Engagement

Ashley Melonson
Administrative Assistant

Eileen is responsible for the administration and growth of ALD, and the overall operation of ALD Headquarters. She represents ALD in a variety of capacities, facilitates the work of the Board of Directors, maintains ongoing contact with chapters and prospective chapters, and provides leadership for all aspects of ALD operation. Eileen manages the budget and endowment fund, coordinates the annual audit, maintains ALD records, and oversees the ALD Store.

Christine coordinates all membership requests, processing membership certificates and pins for all chapters. She answers the phones, manages the MyHonorSociety database, and prepares official correspondence for the Executive Director. She manages ALD’s financial records, issues checks, and sends chapter invoices.

Danielle develops and implements communications that effectively support Alpha Lambda Delta’s priorities and assists with administrative supervision of the Headquarters of Alpha Lambda Delta (ALD). She maintains effective chapter engagement working with student leaders and faculty/staff advisors across 300 active chapters.

Ashley provides overall administrative and operational assistance to the entire team ensuring efficient and smooth day-to-day operations of our organization.

Undergraduate Interns

Alpha Lambda Delta has four undergraduate interns from across the country to assist with four key areas: Conference (Event Planning), Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging (DEIB) & Service Project, Marketing & Communications, and Membership Engagement. These interns work on various projects throughout the academic year. Visit the Internship Program page to learn more.

2024-25 ALD HQ Interns

  • Leila Brown

    Membership Engagement
    Sonoma State University

  • Munira Morris

    DEIB & Service Project
    Bennett College

  • Ivanna Sintes-Klein

    Texas State University