Resources for Chapter Officers

Nominate Advisor of the Year
Complete a form to nominate your chapter's advisor to be this year's Outstanding Advisor of the Year. Only one name per chapter may be submitted. The winning advisor will speak at our next National Leadership Conference. Please check with your fellow officers and work together to submit ONE nomination for your advisor.

The nomination deadline has passed for this year, check back next spring for the nomination form.

View Past Advisors of the Year.

Chapter Handbook
The handbook is meant to be a resource for new and current advisors and officers. It covers topics such as membership management, best practices in recruiting new members, induction timeline, chapter activities, officer transition, and more.

Chapter Ideas
Looking for ideas for your next chapter program? Look no further than these successful events and initiatives done by other chapters! Topics addressed: academic events, community service, social events, career programs, fundraisers, physical & mental health programs, meetings & team builders, leadership retreats & officer transitions, point systems, membership recruitment, and ALD merch.

Resource Library
This page was designed for advisors and officers looking for administrative assistance in running their chapters. It contains ALD documents, customizable chapter documents, chapter forms and applications, and more.

ALD Leads Certified
ALD Leads Certified is an online leadership and career development series offering 12 courses that cover essential competencies for the 21st century. Participating will help you set yourself apart and jumpstart your journey for career preparedness and success.

ALD Brand Management
Use this resource to market your chapter! Get information about our logos, brand, ALD quick facts, publications, and online resources.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging (DEIB)
This page offers resources and further education to help you and your chapter celebrate diversity and expand equity, inclusion, and belonging.

Leadership Summits
Register for a Leadership Summit! We hold one summit per semester. Content is geared toward current or future ALD leaders.

Leadership Conference
Register for our annual Leadership Conference (held in person October every year) or view session materials from past conferences.

ALD Service Project
Each year ALD chapters perform community service around a central theme. Learn about this year’s theme and see photos from past events.

Order of the Torch & Maintaining the Flame
The Order of the Torch is the award for the most outstanding chapters of ALD. Chapters submit a scrapbook describing their activities during the past year.  The scrapbooks are then judged by a committee of Board of Directors members, and the winning chapters are presented with an award banner. To reward chapters that have continued to excel in programming, activities, and service, the Board of Directors bestows the Maintaining the Flame award.

One-on-One With ALD HQ

Need some ideas for reenergizing your chapter? Are you a new group of officers and not sure where to start? Wondering what type of programs and events to plan throughout the year? Are you and your fellow officers struggling with finding the time for ALD in your busy schedules?

Let us help you! We are offering customized meetings just for your chapter. You can schedule 30 minute meetings with ALD Headquarters and we’ll work with you to answer your questions and provide the resources you need to be an effective chapter. The idea is we will meet with your entire officer team – online – at a time convenient for you.

If interested, complete this form: