Alpha Lambda Delta’s Leadership:
Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the group responsible for making the policy decisions for the organization. The Board is comprised of three administrative members, four professional members-at-large, and three student members-at-large. Learn about the open student member-at-large position and how to apply. Deadline is February 10, 2025.

Anthony Helms

Western Michigan University

Amanda Andrews
Professional Member-at-Large
Northern Kentucky University

Abeeha Sajid
Student Member-at-Large

Converse University

Dr. Karlea Brunelle
VP for Finance & Long-Range Planning

Saint Anselm College

Ricardo Calderon
Professional Member-at-Large

Sonoma State University

Dr. Jovan T. Thomas
Professional Member-at-Large

Southern University and A&M College

Jody Marsh
VP for Chapter Relations & Expansion

Saint Vincent College

Cristopher Espino Student Member-at-Large

Dr. Ashleen Williams
Professional Member-at-Large
University of Mississippi