Brand Management

Welcome to Alpha Lambda Delta’s Brand Management page. We hope you find the resources below helpful in marketing Alpha Lambda Delta on your campus.

Contact ALD Headquarters

If you have any questions about promoting your chapter, please reach out. We are here to help!

ALD Headquarters - Marketing & Communications
1 (585) 364-0840

Follow Us On:
Facebook: @nationalald
Instagram: @nationalald
YouTube: AlphaLambdaDelta1924


If you are using the ALD name/crest/logo to work with your own printer, please keep ALD Headquarters in the loop. We can also provide an authorization letter and an EPS file for your printer/vendor.

Given Alpha Lambda Delta is trademarked, any person or entity not directly affiliated with Alpha Lambda Delta who is looking to use the ALD images shall contact prior to the use of our logos.


ALD’s official colors are maroon and gold.

Maroon is a deep red shade with a subtle hint of brown, embodying qualities of strength and stability. It’s positioned betweeen red and purple on the color wheel, exuding a sesne of luxury and sophistication while maintaining a warm and inviting vibe.

Maroon - Alpha Lambda Delta’s Primary Color
Hex #7C2629
RGB R: 124, G: 38, B:41
CMYK C: 31, M: 91, Y: 80, K: 37
PMS 1815C

Gold - Alpha Lambda Delta’s Secondary Color
Hex #a28c49
RGB R: 162, G: 140, B: 73
CMYK C: 20, M: 27, Y: 75, K: 26
PMS 4505C

Secondary Gold - to be used only if the gold above does not print well on certain items (may appear muddy, etc.)
Hex #FCB515
RGB R: 252, G: 181, B: 21
CMYK C: 0, M: 32, Y: 100, K: 0
PMS 7549


ALD Preferred Fonts - Our official fonts are listed below. If you do not have access to these fonts, ALD Headquarters asks that any chosen font be professional and reflective of an honor society promoting excellence.

Garamond Premier Pro Semibold (if not available, use Rooney Web [bold] or Minion Pro [bold]) - for main titles
Proxima Nova (if not available, use Proxima Nova Rg or Myriad Pro) - for body text


The official Alpha Lambda Delta logos, crest, and wordmark may not be altered in any way and must always be used in its original proportions and configurations. Customization of the official Alpha Lambda Delta logos, crest, and wordmark is not permitted without the written consent of ALD Headquarters. Below are links to the logos, crest, and wordmark jpeg and png (transparent background) files. For .EPS files, email

Full-Color Crest: JPEG, PNG

Gray-Scale Crest: This is ALD’s crest, formatted in gray-scale for black/white printing. JPEG, PNG

Monochromatic Crest: This is ALD’s crest, formatted for a one-color print (black). JPEG, PNG

Logos: Alpha Lambda Delta has a few horizontal logos incorporating our full byline, full byline stacked, tagline, website, and short byline. These logos are available as a .JPEG. For .PNG, and .EPS files, email

Wordmark: JPEG, PNG

Wordmark with byline: JPEG, PNG

ALD Quick Facts

Did you know ALD has a 75th anniversary history book? Check out the book, and a brief history, at

Download the “About ALD” flyer
This is a great way to spread general information about ALD. Your chapter can even print chapter-related information on the back side!
Download here

Founded in 1924 at the University of Illinois by Dean of Women Maria Leonard.

ALD’s mission is to encourage superior academic achievement among students in their first year in institutions of higher education, to promote intelligent living and a continued high standard of learning, and to assist students in recognizing and developing meaningful goals for their roles in society.

280 Chapters and ALD is continuing to expand and grow. Each year’s founding date is located on the chapter list with the location and advisor(s).

Nationally Certified Honor Society - ALD is a certified member of the Association of College Honor Societies, the group that sets the standards for national honor society excellence and serves as the only certifying agency for college and university honor societies.

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, ALD achieved the Platinum Seal of Transparency on GuideStar, the agency that gathers and disseminated information about every IRS-registered non-profit organization.

Scholarships - We offer 98 scholarships annually totaling $211,000. The Trow Scholarships support undergraduate education, the Stemler Scholarships help fund study abroad experiences, the Graduate Fellowships assist members pursuing advanced degrees, and the Service Fellowships assist members pursuing a year of service.
Jo Anne J. Trow Undergraduate Scholarships
James G. Stemler Study Abroad Scholarships
Graduate Fellowships
Service Fellowships

Leadership - ALD is led by the Board of Directors which is comprised of a President, two Vice Presidents, four Professional Members-at-Large, and three Student-Members-at-Large.
Meet the Board of Directors

Headquarters Staff - ALD Headquarters is run by an Executive Director. The ED employs a Director of Communications & Chapter Engagement, a Director of Operations, and an Administrative Assistant.
Meet ALD Headquarters


Custom Documents & Graphics for Chapters Designed by HQ

ALD Headquarters is happy to customize a variety of graphics and documents to help you build ALD’s brand on campus. We are also open to helping you with special graphics.

To customize any of these documents or graphics, or to discuss a custom design, email

Chapter Logos - Many chapters have requested institution-specific ALD logos. We offer two options - one with the ALD crest and one with the Greek letters. Your chapter may choose which version to use (or create your own). To customize the options offered by ALD Headquarters, email

Induction Ceremony Invitations and Save the Dates - ALD HQ offers custom graphics to help you get the word out about your induction ceremony. We have a “save the date,” a general induction announcement (date/time), and a more formal invitation. This can be saved as a graphic for web/social media, as well as a PDF for print.
Invite 1, Invite 2, Invite 3

Custom Zoom Backgrounds - We are happy to create custom Zoom backgrounds for those of you who are engaging and/or inducting online.
Step & Repeat, Abstract Art

Study Tip Sheet - The custom Study Tip Sheet can be handed out at information tables and fairs, as well as to anyone on campus. It contains key study skills to promote academic success. The document colors will be changed to reflect your institution. This can be saved as a graphic for web/social media, as well as a PDF for print.

“First Year to Career” Sheet - The custom “First-Year to Career” graphic can be handed out at information tables and fairs, as well as to anyone on campus. It shows the various ways ALD helps prepare our members for their careers. The document colors will be changed to reflect your institution. This can be saved as a graphic for web/social media, as well as a PDF for print.

Free print MARKETING MATERIALS Offered by
ALD headquarters

Membership brochures, study guide tip sheets, and ALD stickers are available for order on the annual report form. Complete the Chapter Annual Report to submit a request for print materials. If you’ve already completed the annual report and need to request adjustments to the materials ordered, email If you’re a new or reactivated chapter and need materials, complete an order form.

Study Tips Bookmark - The study tips bookmark promotes academic excellence (and ALD) and is great to distribute at orientations, student involvement fairs, and other tabling events.

Membership Brochure - ALD’s membership brochure is aimed at those students who have been invited to ALD. This piece will be phased out this year and replaced by the new Letter Home Insert.

Info Card - A new info card geared toward parents/guardians that can be included with any mailings to the home address or included in emails to parents/guardians of eligible students. This can also be distributed to students on campus who have been invited to ALD.

ALD Stickers - ALD HQ currently has two stickers (approx. 2” each; ALD Greek Letters and ALD Centennial) available for distribution to student members.

Recruitment Letter - ALD Headquarters offers to send a letter home to assist our chapters with their membership recruitment. For more information or if you’re interested in participating, please contact Eileen at

Induction Slick - ALD HQ will mail this new member benefit slick with certificates and pins. It should be distributed at induction ceremonies, so members are reminded of ALD’s many benefits. This piece will be phased out this semester.

Senior Book - Each chapter is entitled to one free Maria Leonard Senior Book award by completing the form on the webpage. There is an option to request and purchase additional books (with a printable bookmark) through ALD Headquarters.

Campus Promo PDF - Currently only available as a PDF document (not print). This can be used to help spread awareness and recognition of your ALD chapter on campus with colleagues.

Online Resources

ALD has several helpful guides and documents to assist chapters in their day-to-day operations.

Chapter Handbook - ALD Headquarters created a handbook for advisors and officers. Topics covered are:

Chapter List - Our online chapter list is organized both alphabetically and by state. Each chapter’s list includes their institution name, location, the date founded, and advisor name and email.

Chapter Resources Library - The Chapter Resources Library was designed for advisors and officers looking for administrative assistance in running their chapters. It includes:

Conference Resources - All educational session resources from the Leadership Conferences are available online.

Social Media Resources

Alpha Lambda Delta should be referred to as "Alpha Lambda Delta" or "@nationalald" on social media outlets. Chapter social media accounts should reference the chapter, and never stand alone as "Alpha Lambda Delta." Alpha Lambda Delta (@nationalald) should be linked/tagged whenever possible to best promote the organization, individual chapters, and allow ALD HQ to comment and share posts/stories. Be sure your chapter is connected to Alpha Lambda Delta on social media.

We ask that our chapters identify themselves in their handles (ex: “Alpha Lambda Delta at RU” or “RochesterALD”).

ALD’s Social Media Comment Policy

Chapter Examples - See what some of our chapters are doing on social media!

Facebook: Baylor, USC
Instagram: IUI, WMU

Beginner’s Guide to Social Media - This resource guide serves as a “Social Media 101” for users not familiar with social media but looking to start a presence.

Need some free stock photos or videos?
Try Pixabay, Unsplash, or FreeImages.

Wondering what to post on each social media platform? Check out this article by Buffer.

Chapter Letterhead - If you are looking to send official correspondence from your chapter, you may use our chapter letterhead. If you’d like assistance personalizing the letterhead, please email (may take up to a week, so please plan accordingly).
BW Letterhead, Color Letterhead

Websites to assist you in social media content management and design:

Hootsuite - This online social media content management platform allows you to link your chapter’s social media accounts and schedule posts ahead of time.
Free version available

Canva - This design platform allows you to create beautiful posts for social media. Choose from hundreds of backgrounds and images for your texts. You can also design brochures, infographics, presentations, and other publications.
Free version available

Adobe Creative Cloud Express- Formerly Adobe Spark, CCE allows you to create posts or videos to promote on social media. It also allows you to create a brand (color scheme, text, etc.) so all your posts can have a similar look and feel.
Free version available

Social Media Posts Your Chapter Can Share

ALD has created a series of social media campaigns you are more than welcome to share with your members on your chapter’s social media pages.
Follow us at @nationalald and share our recent posts!


