Centennial Fund Donors


Thank you to all of our donors who have supported the Alpha Lambda Delta Centennial Fund!
With your contributions, Alpha Lambda Delta will continue to flourish for the next 100 years by
encouraging superior academic achievement, promoting intelligent living and a continued high standard of learning,
and assisting students in recognizing and developing meaningful goals for their unique roles in society.


University of Missouri-St. Louis
Monmouth College
Montclair State University
University of Montevallo
Mount St. Joseph University University of Mount Union
Murray State University
North Carolina A&T State University Northern Arizona University Northern Kentucky University Northwestern State University
Ohio State University
Ohio University
University of Oklahoma
University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma
Otterbein University
Pace University-New York City
Pace University-Pleasantville Piedmont University
University of Pittsburgh at Bradford University of Portland
Purdue University
Ramapo College of New Jersey Rider University
Roberts Wesleyan University
Saint Anselm College
Saint Vincent College
Salem State University
Sam Houston State University Samford University
Schreiner University
Sonoma State University
University of South Carolina University of Southern California Spelman College
St. Francis College
University of Texas at Austin University of Texas at El Paso University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Texas State University Thomas More University
Washburn University
Wayne State College
Westminster College
William & Mary William
Jewell College
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire

University of Alabama
American Public University System
American University in Dubai
Arkansas State University
University of Arkansas
Ashland University
Austin Peay State University
Ball State University
Baylor University
Bellarmine University
Buffalo State University
Butler University
California State University, Chico
California State University, Monterey Bay
California State University, Northridge
California State University, San Marcos
Chowan University
Clemson University
Converse University
Cumberland University
East Tennessee State University
Elizabethtown College
Florida A&M University
Fontbonne University
Franklin College
George Mason University
Georgia Gwinnett College
Gwynedd Mercy University
Illinois College
Indiana State University
Iowa State University
Jackson State University
James Madison University
Johnson C. Smith University
Kent State University
Le Moyne College
Lindenwood University
Longwood University
University of Maine
University of Maryland
Meredith College
Miami University of Ohio
Minnesota State University Mankato
University of Mississippi



Mackenzie Alter
Karen Amrhein
Kennedy Bates
Katherine P Beardsley
Catheryn Broady
Christine Cone
Glenda Earwood-Smith
Sharon Emerson-Stonnell
Dillon Etter
Clint Ferguson
Rick Funk
Glenda Gallisath
Amber Gombash
Jane Hamblin
Herman “Butch” Hill
Mallick Hossain
Susan Huffman
David A. Kelly
Marty & John Knepper
Taylor Kodric
Adam Lechnir
Trish Maxwell
Bill McKee 
Eileen Merberg
Stephen & Heather Moret 
Amie Musselman
Mike Nichols
Lindsey Norris
Abiral Pandey
Anthony Rucci
Sonja Short & Michael Vraa
Tara S. Singer
James Stemler
Bradley Taylor
Jo Anne Trow
Kelly Volkar
Sandrea Williamson

Would you like to see your name listed above? Donations can be accepted online or by sending a check to:
Alpha Lambda Delta, 144 Fairport Village Landing #336, Fairport, NY  14450.