About the 2024 Scholarship

The 2024 scholarship process has passed. Check back in the fall for updated information about the 2025-26 scholarship opportunities.

Alpha Lambda Delta awards 50 scholarships to outstanding undergraduate members. Five of these scholarships are valued at $6,000 each, ten at $3,000 each, ten at $2,000 each, and 25 at $1,000 each. These scholarships have been established to help qualified members offset the costs of education. Candidates will be considered on the basis of merit. You must have at least one full year of undergraduate education left before you graduate. You are not eligible to receive a Trow scholarship if you are graduating before May 2025, meaning you need to be enrolled full-time in fall 2024 and spring 2025. The selection committee begins reviewing applications in mid-April, and decisions will be announced in June.

Local chapters will hold a competition to determine one or more finalists to go on to the ALD competition. Direct any questions to scholarships@nationalald.org. The number of chapter finalists varies based on last year's initiation numbers (between June 1 and May 31):

  • One applicant for any chapter,

  • Two applicants for chapters initiating 150-299 members,

  • Three applicants for chapters initiating 300+ members


  • Applicants must have been inducted at an institution with an active campus chapter.

  • Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale) or higher.

Scholarship Stipulations

  • Acceptance of the scholarship involves an obligation to begin and complete the year of study following the award of the scholarship. The recipient must be enrolled full-time and working toward a degree.

  • Any request by a recipient for an exception shall be directed to the ALD Headquarters.

  • A scholarship will only be awarded for educational purposes.

  • Please note, you may only receive an Alpha Lambda Delta Trow Scholarship once.

Responsibilities of the Recipient

  • Notify ALD Headquarters promptly of the acceptance of the scholarship.

  • Upon registration, send enrollment verification to ALD Headquarters. The scholarship funds will be sent directly to the recipient's institution.

Scholarship FAQs

Q: My chapter is not very active, but I want to apply for a Trow scholarship. Does my application need to go through the advisor, or can I just send it directly to the ALD Headquarters?
A: Trow applications need chapter advisor approval.  Please contact the ALD Headquarters directly if you are having an issue contacting the advisor.

Q:  Can official transcripts be delivered via email directly from the university?
A: No, they must be uploaded online as part of the application.

Q:  Am I eligible to apply for a scholarship if I am an international student?
A: Yes, ALD scholarships can be awarded to international students.

Q:  If a student brings AP high school credits, summer credits, or college credits taken in high school that have transferred as equivalent to one year of college (so they are technically a sophomore), are they eligible to apply for the Trow Scholarship before entering their second year?
A: First-year students who were recently initiated are NOT eligible for Trow, no matter how many credits they bring prior to college. They need to be in at least their second year at the college (and apply for a Trow to be awarded in the next year).  This allows for students to get involved and contribute to their chapter.

Q: Do I need to provide an official transcript of the college credits earned in high school?
A: No.

Q: Does the scholarship apply towards tuition only or can it also be applied towards room/board, books, fees, etc.?
A: The funds are to defray college expenses.  At the point that the student has fully paid tuition and fees for the term, the monies will be given to the student to defray other college expenses. Note that all Trow checks are sent to the institution, so any remaining funds after tuition and fees are sent from the school, not Alpha Lambda Delta.